Arama sonuçlarınız

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    The best broker in the GCC

    The best broker in the GCC should provide the best forms of technical support and customer service that must be available around the clock with the best possible quality. Support should also be available in several different forms, such as live chat, emails, and of course via direct phone...
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    طريقة تداول الاسهم في بنك الراجحي

    يوفر بنك الراجحي لعملائه إمكانية التداول وشراء وبيع الأسهم حيث يمكنك القيام بذلك من خلال الخطوات التالية: طريقة تداول الأسهم الأمريكية لا بد من التأكد من وجود بطاقة صراف فعالة وامتلاك المستثمر حساب استثماري. تسجيل الدخول من خلال الراجحي المالية. يجب إنشاء حساب خاص بالمستخدم من خلال...
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    How to sell stocks

    Any investor can easily sell the shares he owns in his investment portfolio through the trading platform of the financial brokerage company in which the investor owns his investment portfolio, through the following steps: طريقة بيع الاسهم على المكشوف Log in to the investment account on the...
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    ما أهمية حاسبة الدعم والمقاومة

    تحرص الغالبية العظمى من المستثمرين في سوق المال على استخدام النقاط المحورية التي تنتجها حاسبة الدعم والمقاومة في جميع تداولاتهم نظرًا لأهميتها الكبيرة وما تقدمه من مميزات، ومنها: حساب الدعم والمقاومة تعتبر حاسبة الدعم والمقاومة من أهم أدوات التحليل الفني وأكثرها قيمة في تداول الفوركس...
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    Bilgi استراتيجيات التداول

    فهم والاختيار من بينها من يسأل كيف اتداول في الأسهم عليه أن يتعلم معنى استراتيجية التداول، وما هي أنواع تلك الاستراتيجيات. ومن ثم اختيار استراتيجية التداول المناسبة لأهدافه وقدراته الاستثمارية، سواء كان التداول قصير المدى أو طويل الأجل. مع فهم كل أدوات التداول الموجودة في منصة التداول وتعلم...
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    Create a trading portfolio

    When talking to someone who is wondering how to invest in stocks, we always advise the importance of the trader starting small. كيف ابدا في الاسهم It is best to start by buying the smallest possible number of shares so that he can get a general idea about the company to which he belongs and how...
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    How to manage risks

    How to manage risks Trading involves risk, so you must understand the dimensions of risk. And understand the reasons that led to this to help achieve success in upcoming deals. كيفية االبدء في لتداول But novice traders who do not have sufficient experience focus only on profits in order to...
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    Definition of halal stocks

    Halal stocks are legitimate securities issued by companies whose commercial activities and investments are compatible with the principles of Islamic Sharia. صورة الاسهم This means that these companies do not participate in businesses or industries prohibited by Sharia, such as alcohol, tobacco...
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    How to sell shares in Al Rajhi using the phone

    Al Rajhi Bank provides a way to sell shares in Al Rajhi via the bank's telephone number, to facilitate customers to execute their sales transactions with ease by following the following steps: كيف ابيع اسهمي في الراجحي From any landline or mobile phone, call the unified telephone number of Al...
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    What are cloned trading companies?

    Cloned trading companies are fake companies, as some fraudsters impersonate the names of real trading companies and use them to promote themselves as trading brokers in order to defraud customers’ money, شركات التداول الحقيقية والشركات المستنسخة so we warn here against the cloned company that...
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    ما هي مواصفات الاسهم الحلال الأمريكية

    الاسهم الحلال لا تختلف عن غيرها من الاسهم المدرجة في سوق المال والتي تحقق نموًا وتمنح المساهمين عوائد جيدة من الاستثمار، ولكنها تختلف في التزامها ببعض الضوابط التي تتوافق مع أحكام الشريعة الإسلامية حتى تكون كافة الأموال المكتسبة منها حلال شرعًا، ومن هذه الضوابط المميزة للأسهم الحلال ما يلي: نسبة...
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    Binance Company Evaluation

    Binance Company Evaluation, Binance is a relatively new company in the field of trading and financial brokerage, as it was founded in 2017, حساب تجريبي binance but within a few years it was able to occupy a distinguished and prestigious position among competing companies, and to make a...
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    Start trading

    After completing all the settings, verifying the accuracy of the account data, making the first deposit and choosing the trading platform. Trading can now actually begin, through the following steps: تقييم شركة exness Log in to the trading platform. Adding the desired instruments to trade...
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    Ruling on trading Jabal Omar shares

    Many questions have been received about the ruling on investing in the trading of Jabal Omar shares, affiliated with the Jabal Omar Architectural Development Company. Therefore, the competent authorities studied the legality of the shares offered on the Saudi Stock Exchange by answering these...
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    Investing in Bahri shares

    Investing in Bahri Company shares means that the investor owns a share in the company’s capital. As the company grows and its profits increase, the investor’s profits automatically increase. Investing in shares is considered one of the best long-term investment tools, especially if the goal is...
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    Ruling on trading in unofficial digital currencies

    Jurists agreed that it is not permissible to deal using unofficial cryptocurrencies that are not recognized by the governments of countries. This is because of its reliance on creating money from nothing. This is considered one of the forms of usury. Since exchange is one of the conditions for...
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    Almarai Company activity

    The partnership with PepsiCo continues to grow, as the two companies announced the investment of $345 million in agricultural projects in Egypt. This step was a positive contribution after the Egyptian economy faced many difficulties during the revolution that occurred in 2011 AD. In the same...
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    Maharah shares are traded on the Saudi Stock Exchange

    Maharah Company shares have been listed on the Saudi trading market since June 18, 2019, with the symbol 1831 and a fluctuation rate of 10%. It is noteworthy that individual subscriptions to Maharah Company’s public offering reached a coverage rate of 230%. Subscribers pumped 197 million Saudi...
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    مكونات الشمعة اليابانية

    كل شمعة يابانية تتكون من: الشمعة الحمراء المفرغة الجسم الحقيقي (Body): يمثل المدى بين سعر الافتتاح وسعر الإغلاق للفترة الزمنية المحددة. إذا كان الإغلاق أعلى من الافتتاح، يكون الجسم مملوءاً أو غير مملوء (عادةً أخضر أو أبيض). أما إذا كان الإغلاق أقل من الافتتاح، يكون الجسم مظللاً (عادةً أحمر...
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    Tihama stock trading pure

    Tihama Advertising and Marketing Company is one of the leading Saudi companies in its field. It began its activity in 1974 AD as a limited company. Then its shares were listed on the Saudi stock trading market with the symbol 4070. Although the company’s basic activity does not violate Islamic...